Foxglove Apricot Seed Pack


rosettes of soft apricot blooms on tall spires.
A tall, flowering perennial that is native to Europe. It grows clusters of beautiful, soft pink, apricot bell-shaped flowers on tall spires that bloom in early summer. Its coarse green foliage grows in rosettes, and the plant thrives in light shade conditions, making it a lovely ornamental option to plant amongst trees or a neighbouring hedge for a bit of fresh colour and intrigue.

Features: Pollinator friendly, perfect for pots and early blooms

Locations: Balconies, terraces, containers and garden beds

Effort Level: Looks after itself

Plant Type: Biennial

Pot Size: 40 cm

Pet/Baby Safe: Known to be toxic

Number of Seeds: 150

Sowing Tips: Seeds should be sown into a small tray, filled with compost, about 3mm deep and watered in, cover with a clear container and keep the seeds in a warm place like a warm windowsill.